ADC Course

For a renewal, please upload your existing certificate

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Please provide the name of the programme/team you cheer for or coach, e.g. Premier Stars, DVA, Coventry Dynamite.

A collaboration of BCA and ICC, we are pleased to offer our ADC Dance Certification Course!
Pom, Jazz/Lyrical and Hip Hop Courses available.

The process for this new course is as follows:

  • Place an order to secure your place on one of our course dates.
  • Pom, Jazz/Lyrical and Hip Hop are separate courses and cannot be completed on the same day.
  • For Pom and Jazz/Lyrical, there is an online module that needs to be completed before the course date (not applicable for Hip Hop). You will be sent a link to complete this following your online booking. This module is a pre-recorded video presentation with an online theory test.
  • On the course date, coaches will partake during the day in set activities. Participation is required unless physically unable to. An online exam will then conclude the day.
  • A practical assessment group and criteria will be assigned (coaches will have 4 weeks from the date of the course to submit the required videos).
  • Completion of the course is concluded upon passing both the theory test and practical assessments.
  • An e-certificate is emailed by the assessor upon completion of the practical assessment.

Further information will be sent out by email one to two weeks before your scheduled course date.

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